As a responsible laboratory worker you have to ensure that no untoward happening takes place when no one is around so before leaving your laboratory you should take a quick round to ensure the following:
All gas lines are turned off
Water points are turned off and there are no overflowing containers
Vacuum and compressed air lines are switched off
No hot plate or rotary evaporator or any other heating device is left on
None of the instruments is left on except for chromatographs or other equipments with programmable auto sampler sample introduction systems
Reagent bottles are returned to their respective shelves and work benches are free of clutter
Weighing balance bench and chamber are clean and chamber protection shields are closed
No bottle is left uncapped and in particular those containing acids or other corrosive materials
Isle and passages are free of any obstructions
There are no spillages on work benches or lab floor
Remove all your laboratory protective clothing and safety gear such as lab coats, gloves, safety goggles, etc inside the lab before leaving
Switch off lights, air conditioners and other electrical facilities before leaving the lab
Remember to sign the laboratory register and enter the time you leave the laboratory. This is important as it it can be helpful in investigations in case of any subsequent mishappenings. In case there is provision for electronic entry and exit remember to swipe the card before leaving
Ensure that the main exit gate has been locked and the laboratory security has been informed that there is no one inside the laboratory
A little concern and alertness on your part can help prevent laboratory disasters when laboratories remain unattended. It will take only a few minutes of your time to ensure that everything is in order and you have made your contribution to save the laboratory from devastating catastrophes.